Partners for specific or special projects

Antonela Vonlanthen, Lausanne (Switzerland)
A specialist in educational ethics and adult education, Antonela holds degrees in curative pedagogy, ethics and gender issues. She has been working in teacher and educator training for more than 12 years. She is currently creating professional training projects for educators in the afterschool programs in the city of Lausanne. She also accompanies educational managers using a holistic vision of their potential and leadership.
Her Romanian and Swiss roots, 20 years of activity in private and public social sectors and her political engagement have led her to firmly believe in the power of collective intelligence in order to make our world progress. Antonela is deeply driven by the joy of transmission and co-construction.
In 2018-2019, Antonela partnered with MUZA to create the Nomad project in Lausanne: Events.
+ 00 41 79 383 47 16 (Switzerland)

Delphine Parée, Montreal (only in French)
Enseignante et artiste associée à différents projets de danse dans le domaine de l’éducation, Delphine interroge la richesse du potentiel humain par le mouvement dansé. La dimension sociale est fondatrice de son travail et s’exprime par une approche collaborative dans différents contextes sociaux-économiques. Elle a ainsi créé des ateliers invitant tous les publics à des rencontres inédites par le mouvement dansé sous des formes festives et singulières dans des lieux culturels et d’éducation.
Les projets ont été portés par sa propre structure culturelle, A Marée Danse, montée en France. Depuis 2012, à Montréal, en parallèle à ses activités d’enseignement, elle se forme au Département de danse de l’UQAM en suivant des cours qui approfondissent une approche globale du corps et enrichissent son travail de pédagogue-artiste engagée.
Delphine collabore avec MUZA depuis l’automne 2019. Elle co-signe notamment le projet Espace Qilib’ et participe au Caméléon: Programs.

Florence Figols, Montreal
Florence Figols is a Montreal based choreographer, researcher and has been teaching in the Contemporary Dance Department at Concordia University since 1999. Her fields of investigation-creation encompass sensory connections, stage presence, embodiment and the micro-politics of the dancing body. Her works have been presented on national and international dance platforms.
Since 2010, she shares her research on the multi-sensory dimension embedded in the dance practice via symposiums and workshops across the globe. Florence holds a Master’s degree in dance from UQAM.
With MUZA, Florence has participated to the project Embodying your Teaching (UConcordia) and has co-initiated the special project Migrant Body : Programs ; Special Projects.

Gianna Battolo, Geneva (Switzerland)
Gianna guides teams of professionals wishing to achieve success within projects enabling knowledge sharing and collaboration. She coaches as well individuals going through carreer-transition.
Together, Gianna and Geneviève offered in 2019 the OZ-project in Geneva.